Dear Planned Parenthood:
I hear today is your 97th birthday.
Amidst all the shouts of celebration, do you know what I hear?
A baby's cry. A mother's tears. A lost generation weeping.
The cute little cupcake and catchy slogan you advertised today doesn't quite show that, does it?
You claim to care, no matter what, yet you are our nation's largest abortion provider.
Abortion does not equal care.
If abortion were health care, it wouldn't take a baby's life and stop a beating heart.
If abortion were health care, then it wouldn't result in women having physical, mental, and emotional consequences, including post-traumatic stress disorder, anxiety, depression, and even suicide.
If you cared, you would know that the right to life is infinitely greater than the right to choose.
I've already heard the argument that abortion is not the only service you provide. Quite frankly, I don't really care. As long as you continue to provide abortion services, you are not an organization that deserves to be supported.
To Planned Parenthood volunteers, workers, doctors, nurses, directors, supporters, or those otherwise involved:
I know what I have said so far seems very harsh. You have to understand that abortion is an issue that I cannot afford to not be passionate and get angry about. Millions of lives are at stake.
However- although I believe there is a place for righteous anger, I do not believe that the solution for abortion is judgment and condemnation. I believe the solution is mercy and compassion.
Because that is what Jesus Christ showed to me.
Let me back up a little- I deserve to die. You deserve to die. Why? Because we have all made bad decisions and have chosen wrong over right. That's called sin. All of us have sinned- there's no denying that (Romans 3:23). Whether it was one lie or one impure thought or one evil deed or many, we have all sinned. That sin separates us from a holy, perfect God. And because of our sin, we deserve to be punished. That punishment is eternal separation from God when we die (Romans 6:23). That is the worst kind of death.
That's the bad news, but here's the good news!
God loves us. He wants us to have a relationship with Him. He wants us to know Him and to receive all that He offers. But how could that happen when our sin separates us from Him?
He had the perfect solution.
God sent His Son, Jesus Christ, to earth. (Guess how? As a baby. And if He would have been conceived in our time under the same circumstances, I'm sure many would have encouraged his mother to get an abortion. However...I digress.) As Jesus grew up, He lived a perfect life. He never swore, never cheated, never stole. On the contrary, He healed the sick; He gave sight to the blind; He made the lame walk; He brought the dead back to life! He was absolute innocence and holiness.
Yet He died in one of the most painful ways possible- crucifixion. He was whipped with a lash made of leather and bone and glass until His back was torn to shreds. He had a crown of long, sharp thorns driven deep into His skull. He was mocked, spit upon, and stripped of His clothes. He laid on the rough, wooden cross as it scraped against his bleeding back and as they hammered a nail into each of his wrists and then through His feet. Oh, can you imagine the sound? Can you imagine the weight He felt as they stood the cross upright and drove it into the ground? He had to push against His already shredded back and force it to scrape across the splintered wood just to take a single breath. He suffered like this for six agonizing hours before He breathed His last.
He was innocent! He didn't do anything wrong! Why did He have to die, especially like that?
He didn't have to die. But He did it for you.
By dying on that cross, He took the punishment that you deserve. That I deserve.
But wait! That's not the end of the story!
After Jesus died, He was wrapped in burial cloths and placed in a tomb. A large, heavy stone was placed in front of the opening and guards were placed at the entrance so that no one could come and steal the body.
Three days after He was placed in the tomb, some women who were followers of Jesus brought burial spices and ointments to the place that He was buried.
They were shocked to find the stone rolled away and the tomb empty!
More than that, an angel of the Lord was there and spoke to them. He said, "Do not be afraid! He is risen, just as He said He would!" (Matthew 28)
Jesus didn't stay dead...He's alive! He overcame sin and death once and for all!
Now we can know God; we can have a relationship with Him! Now we can live. By entering into a relationship with God, we receive forgiveness for our sins and will spend eternity with Him in heaven.
How can you have a relationship with God? (And let me assure you that you can. There is nothing that is too great for Him to forgive!)
First, admit that you are a sinner who needs saving. Confess to God that you realize you cannot save yourself and need Him to forgive your sin so you can know Him.
Believe that Jesus died on the cross in your place for your sin and took the punishment that you deserve.
(1 John 1:9; John 3:16; Romans 10:9,10)
There are no magic words, no perfect prayer. A sincere prayer from the heart, even if stuttered, is what God wants- not some printed-out prayer that you race through as a "get-to-heaven-free card." That's not how salvation works. It's a free gift- we can't earn it. We won't ever be able to pay Him back for all that He's done.
Planned Parenthood, you say you support the right to choose.
Folks, God did give you a right to choose, but it's not the kind that you're thinking of.
He gave you the right to choose to live life with or without Him.
Oh, I hope you choose life with Him!
I hope this all makes sense to you!
I want you to know Him and to
I also want you to encourage others to choose life- both physical life
for their babies and eternal life through Jesus Christ.
As an organization, I must admit that I will be thrilled if you don't make it to your 98th birthday.
As individuals, I hope you find and accept the life Jesus has to offer you.
Jesus, please open their eyes.
Wednesday, October 16, 2013
Thursday, October 3, 2013
They Are Waiting
Throughout today and this week I have heard one word consistently repeated, and with a great heaviness:
Socialized, federally operated medicine.
And with it, above all interests political and personal, one resounding horror has been growing and weighing on my heart and mind.
That my tax dollars will be going to fund the one thing I hate most and have sworn my life to seeing ended:
The merciless murder of innocent lives that is abortion.
This thing God has burdened my heart with.
This purpose has He set my life apart for.
And my heart was beginning to despair...
Shame on me!
I had forgotten- I let my eyes wander to the waves of wickedness around me and taken them off of Christ. I was beginning to sink, when He breathed the sweetest hope back into my soul.
He told me, reminded me-
That the Lord in Heaven laughs at the works of evil men. He sees their end, and He has the victory!
And through Christ this victory is mine!!
Oh, fellow fighters of this good fight! Fellow soldiers in this battle for the lives of the unborn! Hear this beautiful truth:
Abortion may be legal.
You may be forced to pay for it.
But if those girls are being told the TRUTH, and shown the Love of God for them and the precious life that grows inside them,
It. Won't. Matter.
If they KNOW that they carry a BABY, not a clump of cells and tissue,
If they SEE that they are loved, and their baby is loved,
That they have worth and PRICELESS VALUE in Our Heavenly Father's eyes,
And that their baby will be loved and cared for, one way or another, through motherhood or adoption,
That above all CHRIST JESUS loves them and gave Himself for them, dying on a cross to redeem them from their sins,
Many of them WILL CHOOSE LIFE for their baby!!
I have to tell you about a dream I had the other night.
I dream quite a lot, and usually pretty vividly, but this one was unlike the dreams I usually have, and I know it was from God.
I dreamed my whole life.
I could see things past, things going on presently, and some things in the future.
I saw me working for my family business, and going to a new church and making friends- all of which are things I am doing right now.
I saw me talking to old friends, and I had to let go...say goodbye, to some people. And it was hard, but the Lord was standing behind me as I did, and I felt that He had His hand on my shoulder, turning me away from those things or people I was saying goodbye to, and turning me towards a new life, and new people.
And suddenly I was standing in a brightly colored room, looking down into a baby crib.
There in the crib a baby girl was laying. She was beautiful- with large, bright eyes and dark hair, and was wearing a pink dress, with soft pink boots and a pink bow in her hair. She couldn't have been more than a couple months old, if that. Certainly nowhere near old enough to talk! But she turned and looked at me, stretched out her tiny hand and said, "Don't forget us."
My heart broke.
I had become so wrapped up in how busy my life was, that while I had not forgotten this campaign, I will confess to you that it had been pushed to my back burner somewhat lately. And while I've been feeling quite convicted about it, I still kept pushing it off and procrastinating...
And there, in that dream, God snapped my heart back to attention. And intention.
I had not stopped working, but I had ceased to be intentional.
I had not stopped praying, but I had lost the fervor and burning passion that made me start this thing in the first place.
And I need to confess that publicly.
And apologize. To the Lord, first and foremost, and then to those precious little ones who are waiting for me!
They have no voices, but I hear them.
I hear them and my heart feels their searing their lives are severed from them, and their mothers look at me with their broken, hurting souls .
Waiting for me.
To speak for them and to them.
To pray for their salvation- from death, and from an eternity without Christ!
To fight that they might know the truth and be spared!
Some of them are waiting for you.
abortion clinic,
choose life,
every child,
life of the unborn,
make a difference,
the Father's heart,
the gospel,
Wednesday, September 25, 2013
26 Letters
Have you ever heard this quote: "Dear God, please put Your arm over my shoulder and Your hand over my mouth"? That applies to me perfectly most days. More often than not, I am mentally kicking myself for some stupid, hurtful, or thoughtless thing I said. My mouth gets me into trouble more than anything else. There are many verses in the Bible, especially in Proverbs, that have some pretty harsh words concerning what we say.
Take this one, for instance: "When words are many, sin is not absent, but he who holds his tongue is wise." (Proverbs 10:19, NIV84)
Here's another one: "He who guards his lips guards his life, but he who speaks rashly will come to ruin." (Proverbs 13:3, NIV84)
Or this one, found in James: "Likewise the tongue is a small part of the body, but it makes great boasts. Consider what a great forest is set on fire by a small spark. The tongue also is a fire, a world of evil among the parts of the body. It corrupts the whole person, sets the whole course of his life on fire, and is itself set on fire by hell." (James 3:5,6 NIV84)
If that wasn't enough conviction for you, listen to this: "If anyone considers himself religious and yet does not keep a tight rein on his tongue, he deceives himself and his religion is worthless." (James 1:26, NIV84)
Ouch. Uh-oh. Yikes. Double ouch.
These verses all have something in common- obviously, they all talk about our words, our tongues, what we say, etc., but they also have something else in common.
All of these verses, along with all of the books of the Bible, all of my blog posts, and all of the words that come out of my mouth, not to mention the countless other things we use the English language for, are made up of 26 letters. Just 26.
There is power in these 26 letters...power in this gift of language that God has given to us.
Those 26 letters could encourage and inspire.
Those 26 letters could judge and condemn.
Those 26 letters could strengthen someone's confidence and convictions.
Those 26 letters could cause someone to come crashing down.
In these 26 letters, we hold the power to kill and to heal. We can make someone laugh or cause them great pain. We can initiate war or encourage peace (Ecc. 3).
The Bible speaks to this fact:
"The tongue that brings healing is a tree of life, but a deceitful tongue crushes the spirit." (Proverbs 15:4, NIV84)
"Reckless words pierce like a sword, but the tongue of the wise brings healing." (Proverbs 12:18, NIV84)
"The tongue has the power of life and death, and those who love it will eat its fruit." (Proverbs 18:21, NIV84)
Now, how does this topic apply to the pro-life debate?
Let me ask you this question- which of the following women do you think would be more likely to come to know Jesus:
1) the woman whose only knowledge of "Christians" is that of the ones who hurled insults at her and called her a murderer and told her she was condemned to hell because she had an abortion?
2) the woman who found love and compassion from someone who genuinely cared not only about the life of her child, but also about her?
I'm going with the latter.
It's true that abortion is murder, and murder is sin, and because of sin we all deserve to go to hell.
But while Jesus taught us to speak truth and to not tolerate sin, He also taught us to extend grace and mercy and to love unconditionally.
Consider this story found in John 8:1-11 (ESV):
Do you see what He did? He did not deny that her adultery was sin. He called it what is was and warned her to turn away from it. BUT He extended His mercy and love to her all the while.
As Christians, I believe that's what we all should strive for.
And, oh, the combination can be so hard to balance.
I've said before that my tendency is to put truth before love. Maybe your tendency is to put love before truth. When struggling to find a balance, I hope we will all refer back to this example that Jesus gave us and use it in our own lives to the best of our ability.
When interacting with anyone on either side of the pro-life debate, remember the power that your words have.
When interacting with your co-workers or your boss, remember the power that your words have.
When interacting with your teachers or your students, remember the power that your words have.
When interacting with your mom, dad, or siblings, remember the power that your words have.
When interacting with your husband, wife, or kids, remember the power that your words have.
When interacting with hurting people, remember the power that your words have.
And remember how Jesus used His words and His power.
I am preaching to myself more than to anyone else...I have a lot of remembering to do.
"Set a guard over my mouth, O LORD; keep watch over the door of my lips." (Psalm 141:3, NIV84)
"May the words of my mouth and the meditation of my heart be pleasing in your sight, O LORD, my Rock and my Redeemer." (Psalm 19:14, NIV84)
You've got 26 letters. Use them for good.
Until next time,
Ashlyn ♥
Take this one, for instance: "When words are many, sin is not absent, but he who holds his tongue is wise." (Proverbs 10:19, NIV84)
Here's another one: "He who guards his lips guards his life, but he who speaks rashly will come to ruin." (Proverbs 13:3, NIV84)
Or this one, found in James: "Likewise the tongue is a small part of the body, but it makes great boasts. Consider what a great forest is set on fire by a small spark. The tongue also is a fire, a world of evil among the parts of the body. It corrupts the whole person, sets the whole course of his life on fire, and is itself set on fire by hell." (James 3:5,6 NIV84)
If that wasn't enough conviction for you, listen to this: "If anyone considers himself religious and yet does not keep a tight rein on his tongue, he deceives himself and his religion is worthless." (James 1:26, NIV84)
Ouch. Uh-oh. Yikes. Double ouch.
These verses all have something in common- obviously, they all talk about our words, our tongues, what we say, etc., but they also have something else in common.
All of these verses, along with all of the books of the Bible, all of my blog posts, and all of the words that come out of my mouth, not to mention the countless other things we use the English language for, are made up of 26 letters. Just 26.
There is power in these 26 letters...power in this gift of language that God has given to us.
Those 26 letters could encourage and inspire.
Those 26 letters could judge and condemn.
Those 26 letters could strengthen someone's confidence and convictions.
Those 26 letters could cause someone to come crashing down.
In these 26 letters, we hold the power to kill and to heal. We can make someone laugh or cause them great pain. We can initiate war or encourage peace (Ecc. 3).
The Bible speaks to this fact:
"The tongue that brings healing is a tree of life, but a deceitful tongue crushes the spirit." (Proverbs 15:4, NIV84)
"Reckless words pierce like a sword, but the tongue of the wise brings healing." (Proverbs 12:18, NIV84)
"The tongue has the power of life and death, and those who love it will eat its fruit." (Proverbs 18:21, NIV84)
Now, how does this topic apply to the pro-life debate?
Let me ask you this question- which of the following women do you think would be more likely to come to know Jesus:
1) the woman whose only knowledge of "Christians" is that of the ones who hurled insults at her and called her a murderer and told her she was condemned to hell because she had an abortion?
2) the woman who found love and compassion from someone who genuinely cared not only about the life of her child, but also about her?
I'm going with the latter.
It's true that abortion is murder, and murder is sin, and because of sin we all deserve to go to hell.
But while Jesus taught us to speak truth and to not tolerate sin, He also taught us to extend grace and mercy and to love unconditionally.
Consider this story found in John 8:1-11 (ESV):
"...but Jesus went to the Mount of Olives. Early in the morning he came again to the temple. All the people came to him, and he sat down and taught them. The scribes and the Pharisees brought a woman who had been caught in adultery, and placing her in the midst they said to him, 'Teacher, this woman has been caught in the act of adultery. Now in the Law Moses commanded us to stone such women. So what do you say?' This they said to test him, that they might have some charge to bring against him. Jesus bent down and wrote with his finger on the ground. And as they continued to ask him, he stood up and said to them, 'Let him who is without sin among you be the first to throw a stone at her.' And once more he bent down and wrote on the ground. But when they heard it, they went away one by one, beginning with the older ones, and Jesus was left alone with the woman standing before him. Jesus stood up and said to her, 'Woman, where are they? Has no one condemned you?' She said, 'No one, Lord.' And Jesus said, 'Neither do I condemn you; go, and from now on sin no more.'"
Do you see what He did? He did not deny that her adultery was sin. He called it what is was and warned her to turn away from it. BUT He extended His mercy and love to her all the while.
As Christians, I believe that's what we all should strive for.
And, oh, the combination can be so hard to balance.
I've said before that my tendency is to put truth before love. Maybe your tendency is to put love before truth. When struggling to find a balance, I hope we will all refer back to this example that Jesus gave us and use it in our own lives to the best of our ability.
When interacting with anyone on either side of the pro-life debate, remember the power that your words have.
When interacting with your co-workers or your boss, remember the power that your words have.
When interacting with your teachers or your students, remember the power that your words have.
When interacting with your mom, dad, or siblings, remember the power that your words have.
When interacting with your husband, wife, or kids, remember the power that your words have.
When interacting with hurting people, remember the power that your words have.
And remember how Jesus used His words and His power.
I am preaching to myself more than to anyone else...I have a lot of remembering to do.
"Set a guard over my mouth, O LORD; keep watch over the door of my lips." (Psalm 141:3, NIV84)
"May the words of my mouth and the meditation of my heart be pleasing in your sight, O LORD, my Rock and my Redeemer." (Psalm 19:14, NIV84)
You've got 26 letters. Use them for good.
Until next time,
Ashlyn ♥
Thursday, September 19, 2013
Exciting News!
Friends, we are so excited to tell you that....
If you would, please like and share! It would mean so much, not only to us, but also to the babies whose lives will be saved through this campaign, and also to the mothers who will be spared the consequences of abortion.
You can make a difference! Head on over to and make the click! Thanks a million! :)
Wednesday, September 18, 2013
Born For This
This past Saturday (Sep. 14) was my birthday.
It was also the National Day of Remembrance for the Unborn.
And, come to find out, it was also the birthday of the now deceased Margaret Sanger.
Out of all 365 days of the year, I feel that it must be more than coincidence for all three of those to just "happen" to be on the same day. I mean, there's a 1 in 365 chance that my birthday would be on September 14th. Multiply that by the 1/365 chance that the Day of Remembrance would take place then, multiplied by the chance that Margaret Sanger's birthday would be that day, and...the "chance" of that is astronomical.
One in 48,627,125, if my math is correct.
Why are all those events important? How are they all related?
Well, Margaret Sanger was the founder of Planned Parenthood.
Planned Parenthood is now the world's largest abortion provider.
Their organization now performs over 900 abortions a day and over 300,000 every year.
How terribly sad, that a woman who had been given a chance to celebrate her birthday found it necessary to deprive thousands of others of that same right.
I could go on and on about her and her organization, but I guess I'll save that for another time.
This year was the first National Day of Remembrance for the Unborn.
Memorial services took place all over the country at both burial sites of and memorial sites for aborted children.
It was a day to remember what we have lost...and a day to remember why we are fighting this fight.
So that, years from now, we will not be mourning at the graves of aborted children.
We will be celebrating the birthdays of the children who have been given the undeniable right to life.
Lastly was my birthday.
It's important to me that it fell on the same day as these other two events because I feel that I have been called to be a voice.
For those children being aborted.
For those women being deceived.
To remind this country to act on what we claim to believe- that all of our people should have the rights to life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness.
Because if we can't give all of our citizens the most basic of rights, then all our other rights mean nothing. Without life, there is not liberty. And without life, there is certainly not happiness.
My birthday falling on that day is important to me because when millions of others weren't born...I was.
I have a voice. I have a heart. I have hands to help. I have a mind to write. I have a passion to fight.
And I feel as if I would be wasting my life if I did not act on this somehow.
I feel angry. I feel heavy-hearted. I feel broken. I feel the need to defend those in danger and fight for them. I feel somewhat like a modern-day Esther.
Her story has always been one of my favorites!
I would really recommend reading the entire Biblical account. To do so, click here*, but I'll try to summarize it the best that I can.
Esther was a Jewish orphan who lived in the citadel of Susa under the reign of King Xerxes. She lived with her cousin, Mordecai, who raised her as his own daughter when her parents died.
Meanwhile, King Xerxes was looking for a new queen...since he had pretty much banished the last one. Many beautiful young women were taken from the surrounding areas with the intention of his choosing one of them as his new queen. Guess who one of them was? Yup, you got it- Esther.
When she was taken, Mordecai forbade her to tell anyone that she was Jewish.
She was taken away from everything she knew and brought to the king's harem to be given "beauty treatments and special food." These preparations took place for months before she was sent to the king. During these long months, Mordecai paced the courtyard outside, staying updated on what was happening with Esther and making sure she was alright.
Finally, the day came for her to stand before King Xerxes.
And, out of all the women he could have chosen, Xerxes made Esther his new queen.
Meanwhile, some scheming royal officials wanted to destroy the entire Jewish nation. They deceived King Xerxes and convinced him to give his seal of approval for their wicked plan. The irrevocable edict, marked with the seal of the king, declared that all the people in the provinces ruled by Xerxes were to attack the Jews, destroy all of them, and plunder all they owned.
When the king gave his approval, he obviously did not realize that he was issuing a death sentence for his new queen, along with all of her people...including Mordecai, who had saved the king's life on a previous occasion.
Speaking of Mordecai...when he saw the edict, "he tore his clothes, put on sackcloth and ashes, and went out into the city, wailing loudly and bitterly." He went to the king's gate and mourned there. When Esther found out about this, she sent one of the king's eunuchs to find out the cause of Mordecai's grief. "[Mordecai]...gave him a copy of the text of the edict for their annihilation, which had been published in Susa, to show to Esther and explain it to her, and he told him to instruct her to go into the king’s presence to beg for mercy and plead with him for her people."
When Esther received the message, she sent the eunuch back to Mordecai to tell him this: “All the king’s officials and the people of the royal provinces know that for any man or woman who approaches the king in the inner court without being summoned the king has but one law: that they be put to death unless the king extends the gold scepter to them and spares their lives. But thirty days have passed since I was called to go to the king.”
Mordecai replied, “Do not think that because you are in the king’s house you alone of all the Jews will escape. For if you remain silent at this time, relief and deliverance for the Jews will arise from another place, but you and your father’s family will perish. And who knows but that you have come to your royal position for such a time as this?”
(Insert awesome VeggieTales song! No, I'm serious, you have to listen to
So, to make a long and incredible story very short...she went to the king, risking her own life to do so.
But he extended his scepter to her. (Applause erupts :))
There's a lot that happens in between this and the end of the book, but eventually he gives her the authority to write another edict, which declares that the Jews have the right to defend themselves, attack and destroy their enemies, and plunder their belongings.
Some Jews still died. But not all of them.
Because of Esther's courage, her nation was spared.
You seriously need to read the whole account, the whole book, because I did not do this amazing story justice. And the thing is...this is not just a story. It's not fiction. It's not a fairy tale. It actually happened. This is real life.
Soooo why do I feel like Esther? I'm not an orphan...I'm not Jewish...I'm not risking my life...and I'm certainly not a queen!
But I feel like Esther because there is a generation whose lives are at stake.
I feel like Esther because I ask myself a similar question to what Mordecai asked her: "If I remain silent at this time, relief and deliverance for those being aborted will arise from another place, but those being aborted in this generation will perish. And who knows but that you have come to be a voice for such a time as this?"
The Jews in their entirety could have been destroyed if she hadn't been their voice.
I think of the millions being destroyed as you read this...and I have to be their voice.
Some will still die...but not all of them.
And maybe, just maybe...I was born for such a time as this.
P.S. For me, there's something so powerful about speaks when words cannot. This song is called "Born For This", and it's the story of Esther in a song. I think it shares the message perfectly. To listen, click here.
*All links to and quotations from Scripture in this post and my other ones are from It's a great should check it out!
It was also the National Day of Remembrance for the Unborn.
And, come to find out, it was also the birthday of the now deceased Margaret Sanger.
Out of all 365 days of the year, I feel that it must be more than coincidence for all three of those to just "happen" to be on the same day. I mean, there's a 1 in 365 chance that my birthday would be on September 14th. Multiply that by the 1/365 chance that the Day of Remembrance would take place then, multiplied by the chance that Margaret Sanger's birthday would be that day, and...the "chance" of that is astronomical.
One in 48,627,125, if my math is correct.
Why are all those events important? How are they all related?
Well, Margaret Sanger was the founder of Planned Parenthood.
Planned Parenthood is now the world's largest abortion provider.
Their organization now performs over 900 abortions a day and over 300,000 every year.
How terribly sad, that a woman who had been given a chance to celebrate her birthday found it necessary to deprive thousands of others of that same right.
I could go on and on about her and her organization, but I guess I'll save that for another time.
This year was the first National Day of Remembrance for the Unborn.
Memorial services took place all over the country at both burial sites of and memorial sites for aborted children.
It was a day to remember what we have lost...and a day to remember why we are fighting this fight.
So that, years from now, we will not be mourning at the graves of aborted children.
We will be celebrating the birthdays of the children who have been given the undeniable right to life.
Lastly was my birthday.
It's important to me that it fell on the same day as these other two events because I feel that I have been called to be a voice.
For those children being aborted.
For those women being deceived.
To remind this country to act on what we claim to believe- that all of our people should have the rights to life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness.
Because if we can't give all of our citizens the most basic of rights, then all our other rights mean nothing. Without life, there is not liberty. And without life, there is certainly not happiness.
My birthday falling on that day is important to me because when millions of others weren't born...I was.
I have a voice. I have a heart. I have hands to help. I have a mind to write. I have a passion to fight.
And I feel as if I would be wasting my life if I did not act on this somehow.
I feel angry. I feel heavy-hearted. I feel broken. I feel the need to defend those in danger and fight for them. I feel somewhat like a modern-day Esther.
Her story has always been one of my favorites!
I would really recommend reading the entire Biblical account. To do so, click here*, but I'll try to summarize it the best that I can.
Esther was a Jewish orphan who lived in the citadel of Susa under the reign of King Xerxes. She lived with her cousin, Mordecai, who raised her as his own daughter when her parents died.
Meanwhile, King Xerxes was looking for a new queen...since he had pretty much banished the last one. Many beautiful young women were taken from the surrounding areas with the intention of his choosing one of them as his new queen. Guess who one of them was? Yup, you got it- Esther.
When she was taken, Mordecai forbade her to tell anyone that she was Jewish.
She was taken away from everything she knew and brought to the king's harem to be given "beauty treatments and special food." These preparations took place for months before she was sent to the king. During these long months, Mordecai paced the courtyard outside, staying updated on what was happening with Esther and making sure she was alright.
Finally, the day came for her to stand before King Xerxes.
And, out of all the women he could have chosen, Xerxes made Esther his new queen.
Meanwhile, some scheming royal officials wanted to destroy the entire Jewish nation. They deceived King Xerxes and convinced him to give his seal of approval for their wicked plan. The irrevocable edict, marked with the seal of the king, declared that all the people in the provinces ruled by Xerxes were to attack the Jews, destroy all of them, and plunder all they owned.
When the king gave his approval, he obviously did not realize that he was issuing a death sentence for his new queen, along with all of her people...including Mordecai, who had saved the king's life on a previous occasion.
Speaking of Mordecai...when he saw the edict, "he tore his clothes, put on sackcloth and ashes, and went out into the city, wailing loudly and bitterly." He went to the king's gate and mourned there. When Esther found out about this, she sent one of the king's eunuchs to find out the cause of Mordecai's grief. "[Mordecai]...gave him a copy of the text of the edict for their annihilation, which had been published in Susa, to show to Esther and explain it to her, and he told him to instruct her to go into the king’s presence to beg for mercy and plead with him for her people."
When Esther received the message, she sent the eunuch back to Mordecai to tell him this: “All the king’s officials and the people of the royal provinces know that for any man or woman who approaches the king in the inner court without being summoned the king has but one law: that they be put to death unless the king extends the gold scepter to them and spares their lives. But thirty days have passed since I was called to go to the king.”
Mordecai replied, “Do not think that because you are in the king’s house you alone of all the Jews will escape. For if you remain silent at this time, relief and deliverance for the Jews will arise from another place, but you and your father’s family will perish. And who knows but that you have come to your royal position for such a time as this?”
(Insert awesome VeggieTales song! No, I'm serious, you have to listen to
So, to make a long and incredible story very short...she went to the king, risking her own life to do so.
But he extended his scepter to her. (Applause erupts :))
There's a lot that happens in between this and the end of the book, but eventually he gives her the authority to write another edict, which declares that the Jews have the right to defend themselves, attack and destroy their enemies, and plunder their belongings.
Some Jews still died. But not all of them.
Because of Esther's courage, her nation was spared.
You seriously need to read the whole account, the whole book, because I did not do this amazing story justice. And the thing is...this is not just a story. It's not fiction. It's not a fairy tale. It actually happened. This is real life.
Soooo why do I feel like Esther? I'm not an orphan...I'm not Jewish...I'm not risking my life...and I'm certainly not a queen!
But I feel like Esther because there is a generation whose lives are at stake.
I feel like Esther because I ask myself a similar question to what Mordecai asked her: "If I remain silent at this time, relief and deliverance for those being aborted will arise from another place, but those being aborted in this generation will perish. And who knows but that you have come to be a voice for such a time as this?"
The Jews in their entirety could have been destroyed if she hadn't been their voice.
I think of the millions being destroyed as you read this...and I have to be their voice.
Some will still die...but not all of them.
And maybe, just maybe...I was born for such a time as this.
P.S. For me, there's something so powerful about speaks when words cannot. This song is called "Born For This", and it's the story of Esther in a song. I think it shares the message perfectly. To listen, click here.
*All links to and quotations from Scripture in this post and my other ones are from It's a great should check it out!
Birthdays for Babies,
Born For This,
Margaret Sanger,
National Day of Remembrance for the Unborn,
Planned Parenthood,
Wednesday, September 11, 2013
Today marks the 12th anniversary of 9/11.
I was only five when it happened. Since I was so young, I really had no clue what was going on. And until a few years ago, I never really stopped to think about the reality of that day. Oh, I can't even imagine...pacing in front of the television, knowing your loved one was trapped inside the burning buildings...being caged inside a prison made of metal and fire, knowing you had only minutes to live...running into the flames in order to save a stranger's life, all the while risking your own.
Nearly 3,000 people died that day. 3,000. Do you know how big that number is? Do you know what that number looks like?
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That makes me dizzy and overwhelmed just looking at it.
Each of those lines represents an irreplaceable human life lost in the 9/11 attacks. Even with it laid right out in front of me, I still can't understand the enormity of it.
Please don't stop reading after what I say next, because I am in no way trying to make light of what happened on that day. Our country and our people have still not recovered. 3,000 families are missing members- missing pieces of their hearts. There is no way to measure the value of those precious lives lost.
But more than 3,000 babies die from abortion...every day.
I look at those tally marks and I just don't understand the enormity of the potential and the love and the life that we have lost...just today. And add that to the the 3,000 yesterday...and the day before that...and the day before that.
And I don't understand why no one seems to care.
If, every day, 3,000 children were being stolen out of their homes and brutally murdered, our government would not stop until the perpetrators were caught.
The reality is that 3,000 children are being taken out of what should be the safest place on earth- their mother's wombs- and being murdered in the most barbaric ways possible.
And I don't understand why we don't all see the injustice. Why we aren't all fighting against this. Why we expect God to keep blessing us when we stand by and allow this crime to continue.
And, no, I don't think my viewpoint means I'm being intolerant, hateful, or close-minded. I'm being real.
If you have read any of my other posts, then I hope you have seen that what I believe to be the solution to the abortion problem is not judgment, but compassion.
I not only want these babies to have life; I also want these women to experience the best lives they can. Abortion doesn't bring life, freedom, happiness, or anything else they promise you.
It only brings consequences.
Like to the 3,000 families today, who, whether they realize it or not, are now missing members who could have been a piece of their hearts.
To the mamas they will never wrap their arms around.
To the daddies who will never hold their hands.
To the grandmas who will never feel their hugs.
To the grandpas who will never get to spoil them.
To the siblings they will never play with.
To the teachers who will never see their smiles.
To the communities they would have served.
To the people they would have loved.
And my heart aches for them-and for all that we have lost.
Because the loss of each of those lives affected someone. I think of the quote by John Donne that says, "No man is an island." Our lives create a ripple effect. Our lives are changing the world around us, oftentimes without our even realizing it.
I have been saddened to hear of several suicides and other deaths over the past couple of weeks. And I am amazed at the number of people each of their lives impacted. You are making a difference, whether you realize it or not.
Your family would not be the same without you.
Your friends would not be the same without you.
Your classes would not be the same without you.
Your students would not be the same without you.
Your team would not be the same without you.
Your workplace would not be the same without you.
Your church would not be the same without you.
Your neighborhood would not be the same without you.
Your community would not be the same without you.
Your city would not be the same without you.
Your county would not be the same without you.
Your state would not be the same without you.
Your country would not be the same without you.
Your world would not be the same without you.
Your. Life. Matters.
Not because of anything you've done.
Not because of anything you're doing.
Not because of anything you will do.
But simply because you are.
You're here for a reason.
You exist because God wants you to.
You're alive because He's not finished with you yet.
There's this quote on Pinterest that I love:
"Place your hand over your heart. Feel that? That's called purpose. You're alive for a reason. Don't forget it."
In life, there will be loss. It's inevitable. It's overwhelming. It's terrifying.
But there is also a God Who is greater than your greatest loss.
By the grace of God, I have not yet experienced the death of someone that I am very close to. So I am in no way claiming to be an expert on this topic. But I've heard the testimonies of those that have experienced great loss. I've heard the way God has used their heartbreak to bring about His glory.
And I know that doesn't mean it doesn't hurt. Even though I have never walked through that kind of pain, I know it hurts. I know there are times when you feel as if you can't even take another breath because the pain is so real, so deep.
But I'm also incredibly grateful that, in the midst of loss, there is this beautiful gift of life that God has given to each one of us.
I don't want to take it for could be taken away in an instant.
When the world went to sleep on the evening of September 10, 2001, they had no idea that the next morning would turn their worlds upside down.
As you go to bed tonight, you have no idea what tomorrow morning will hold. You have no idea what the next few hours might hold.
So go ahead.
Throw open your windows and breathe in the fresh air.
Feel the grass beneath your toes, close your eyes, and let the wind blow through your hair.
Go dance in the rain.
Turn up the music as loud as it will go.
Dance your heart out.
Throw your head back and laugh.
Don't be afraid to cry.
Sing as loudly as you want to.
Stay up all night laughing with your friends.
Curl up with your coffee and your book.
Kiss your wife.
Encourage your husband.
Spend time with your kids.
Serve in your church.
Give to those in need.
Pursue your God-given passion.
Pour your heart into everything you do.
Love people and love Jesus.
Because these are the things life is made of.
I was only five when it happened. Since I was so young, I really had no clue what was going on. And until a few years ago, I never really stopped to think about the reality of that day. Oh, I can't even imagine...pacing in front of the television, knowing your loved one was trapped inside the burning buildings...being caged inside a prison made of metal and fire, knowing you had only minutes to live...running into the flames in order to save a stranger's life, all the while risking your own.
Nearly 3,000 people died that day. 3,000. Do you know how big that number is? Do you know what that number looks like?
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That makes me dizzy and overwhelmed just looking at it.
Each of those lines represents an irreplaceable human life lost in the 9/11 attacks. Even with it laid right out in front of me, I still can't understand the enormity of it.
Please don't stop reading after what I say next, because I am in no way trying to make light of what happened on that day. Our country and our people have still not recovered. 3,000 families are missing members- missing pieces of their hearts. There is no way to measure the value of those precious lives lost.
But more than 3,000 babies die from abortion...every day.
I look at those tally marks and I just don't understand the enormity of the potential and the love and the life that we have lost...just today. And add that to the the 3,000 yesterday...and the day before that...and the day before that.
And I don't understand why no one seems to care.
If, every day, 3,000 children were being stolen out of their homes and brutally murdered, our government would not stop until the perpetrators were caught.
The reality is that 3,000 children are being taken out of what should be the safest place on earth- their mother's wombs- and being murdered in the most barbaric ways possible.
And I don't understand why we don't all see the injustice. Why we aren't all fighting against this. Why we expect God to keep blessing us when we stand by and allow this crime to continue.
And, no, I don't think my viewpoint means I'm being intolerant, hateful, or close-minded. I'm being real.
If you have read any of my other posts, then I hope you have seen that what I believe to be the solution to the abortion problem is not judgment, but compassion.
I not only want these babies to have life; I also want these women to experience the best lives they can. Abortion doesn't bring life, freedom, happiness, or anything else they promise you.
It only brings consequences.
Like to the 3,000 families today, who, whether they realize it or not, are now missing members who could have been a piece of their hearts.
To the mamas they will never wrap their arms around.
To the daddies who will never hold their hands.
To the grandmas who will never feel their hugs.
To the grandpas who will never get to spoil them.
To the siblings they will never play with.
To the teachers who will never see their smiles.
To the communities they would have served.
To the people they would have loved.
And my heart aches for them-and for all that we have lost.
Because the loss of each of those lives affected someone. I think of the quote by John Donne that says, "No man is an island." Our lives create a ripple effect. Our lives are changing the world around us, oftentimes without our even realizing it.
I have been saddened to hear of several suicides and other deaths over the past couple of weeks. And I am amazed at the number of people each of their lives impacted. You are making a difference, whether you realize it or not.
Your family would not be the same without you.
Your friends would not be the same without you.
Your classes would not be the same without you.
Your students would not be the same without you.
Your team would not be the same without you.
Your workplace would not be the same without you.
Your church would not be the same without you.
Your neighborhood would not be the same without you.
Your community would not be the same without you.
Your city would not be the same without you.
Your county would not be the same without you.
Your state would not be the same without you.
Your country would not be the same without you.
Your world would not be the same without you.
Your. Life. Matters.
Not because of anything you've done.
Not because of anything you're doing.
Not because of anything you will do.
But simply because you are.
You're here for a reason.
You exist because God wants you to.
You're alive because He's not finished with you yet.
There's this quote on Pinterest that I love:
"Place your hand over your heart. Feel that? That's called purpose. You're alive for a reason. Don't forget it."
In life, there will be loss. It's inevitable. It's overwhelming. It's terrifying.
But there is also a God Who is greater than your greatest loss.
By the grace of God, I have not yet experienced the death of someone that I am very close to. So I am in no way claiming to be an expert on this topic. But I've heard the testimonies of those that have experienced great loss. I've heard the way God has used their heartbreak to bring about His glory.
And I know that doesn't mean it doesn't hurt. Even though I have never walked through that kind of pain, I know it hurts. I know there are times when you feel as if you can't even take another breath because the pain is so real, so deep.
But I'm also incredibly grateful that, in the midst of loss, there is this beautiful gift of life that God has given to each one of us.
I don't want to take it for could be taken away in an instant.
When the world went to sleep on the evening of September 10, 2001, they had no idea that the next morning would turn their worlds upside down.
As you go to bed tonight, you have no idea what tomorrow morning will hold. You have no idea what the next few hours might hold.
So go ahead.
Throw open your windows and breathe in the fresh air.
Feel the grass beneath your toes, close your eyes, and let the wind blow through your hair.
Go dance in the rain.
Turn up the music as loud as it will go.
Dance your heart out.
Throw your head back and laugh.
Don't be afraid to cry.
Sing as loudly as you want to.
Stay up all night laughing with your friends.
Curl up with your coffee and your book.
Kiss your wife.
Encourage your husband.
Spend time with your kids.
Serve in your church.
Give to those in need.
Pursue your God-given passion.
Pour your heart into everything you do.
Love people and love Jesus.
Because these are the things life is made of.
Thursday, September 5, 2013
The 180 Movie: 30 Minutes May Change Your Mind
The message of this movie is so powerful. If you're pro-choice or not sure where you stand on the issue of abortion, this movie will make you think, re-evaluate your opinion, and - I hope and pray - change your stance to solidly pro-life. If you're already pro-life, this will bring you an even clearer picture of this truly abhorrent practice and - I pray - give you a determination - to fight with me until it is ended.
Here's a teaser clip: And here's the link to the movie:
After you watch, drop a comment here and tell me what you thought!
Here are some questions to answer/consider:
Did this movie make you reconsider your position on abortion?
Do you think that abortion is today's equivalent to the holocaust?
Does this change how you will be voting in the future?
Please, share this video with as many people as possible! If you'd like to get a DVD copy, or several, or would like to help distribute them, you can go to this website for more information:
Here's a teaser clip: And here's the link to the movie:
After you watch, drop a comment here and tell me what you thought!
Here are some questions to answer/consider:
Did this movie make you reconsider your position on abortion?
Do you think that abortion is today's equivalent to the holocaust?
Does this change how you will be voting in the future?
Please, share this video with as many people as possible! If you'd like to get a DVD copy, or several, or would like to help distribute them, you can go to this website for more information:
Wednesday, September 4, 2013
"One" Part 4
Wow, I certainly never intended for this to become a four part series! But, as you can
see, that's how it ended up! I hope God has used it in your life in
some small way.
Here are the remaining six points...some of them may be way out of your comfort zone.
I say that because some are way out of my comfort zone.
But I think I've sat in front of my computer screen long enough.
Is it scary?
Yes. Actually it's kind of terrifying.
Is it comfortable?
But God has not called us to be comfortable.
He has called us to do what's right.
7. Vote.
If you are at least eighteen years old and a United States citizen, then you had better be registered to vote. Every vote counts, and every vote makes a difference. If you think that your vote doesn't matter, you are wrong. I think of the quote most commonly attributed to Edmund Burke that says, "The only thing necessary for evil to prevail is for good men to do nothing." You have a chance to do something. You have a right that others have fought and died for. Please don't take it for granted.
One of the first things I look for when researching political candidates is whether or not they are pro-life. If they are "pro-choice," then that means they will not stand up to protect the lives of some of our nation's most vulnerable citizens. The very issue of abortion is rooted in the debate of whether or not every life is valuable at every stage. If the life of a child isn't valuable to them, then is the life of an elderly person valuable to them? Is the life of a "disabled" person valuable to them? Is my life valuable to them? Probably not.
Their pro-choice viewpoint tells me that they don't value life enough to save it. I will not vote for that kind of leader.
On another note, there is an argument that abortion being legal doesn't affect the rate of its occurrence- that is an outright lie. I believe abortion is absolutely more common and accepted because it is legal. If it were made illegal, the rates would, in my opinion, significantly decrease.
There's also this argument that illegal abortions aren't "safe."
You know what?
They're right.
But guess what?
Legal abortions aren't safe either.
At least one person dies in either case.
By voting for pro-life officials and voting to outlaw abortion, babies would be saved.
And your vote could make that happen.
8. Volunteer.
Maybe you don't have money to give, but you can give your time! Look for ways to volunteer for the pro-life cause.
It could be for your local CPC or another pro-life organization.
Most pregnancy centers depend on their volunteers. They need people to serve as counselors. Honestly, that scares me to death. I'm afraid of saying the wrong thing or not knowing what to say at all. Somebody has to do it, though! If you have a gift with people, or the gift of compassion, it may be a good fit for you. Consider if that's where God is calling you. If it's not, there are other opportunities to serve, such as answering phones, setting up appointments, organizing supplies, etc.
You could also consider volunteering to help a political candidate who takes a strong stand for life.
Every "little" bit helps!
9. Start.
Consider whether God could be calling you to start a pro-life ministry at your church. It could have several different faces...
You could get a group together to help single moms in your church...some ideas are helping with financial issues she may be having or even just offering to watch her child(ren) for a night so that she can have some time for herself!
You could head a project in order to raise money for your crisis pregnancy center or for another organization. Several years ago at my church, we filled baby bottles with loose change and gave the money (and the bottles, if I'm not mistaken) to our CPC. I loved doing that! There are countless other fundraising ideas if you are willing to put in the time to do them.
This last one will take a lot of courage.
Maybe you have had an abortion and have found healing and hope in Christ. Would you be willing to share your testimony with the church? Would you be willing to start a Bible study for other post-abortive women and lead them on the same journey?
I was so moved by Surrender the Secret. There is so much power in the testimony of a woman who has walked through abortion. Because I have never experienced the results of an abortion personally, my testimony may not be considered to hold as much credibility as yours. Do you know how powerful it would be for a woman like you to be bold enough to stand and say, "I had an abortion. Because of it, I have lifelong scars. But I have found hope and healing in Jesus Christ and I want you to have that, too." There is power in the fact that you have experienced it. You know what takes place in the heart and mind of a post-abortive woman. And therefore you have the power to walk beside other women and tell them that they are not alone. There are women everywhere silently crying for could be the one to lead them to it.
10. Adopt.
Read that again.
You just did a double-take, didn't ya?
No, I'm not kidding.
I'm dead serious.
I understand that not everyone is in the position to adopt. But would you prayerfully consider whether God is leading you to adopt a child that may have otherwise been aborted? These babies need to be loved, wanted, and accepted as part of a family.
Don't just pass over this like it's a crazy idea- stranger things have happened!
God has adopted us as His children into His family...don't you think He wants us to adopt into our families the children He has created?
Don't pass this by- really think about it!
Lord willing, we will be posting about this again. So don't think you're off the hook! ;)
11. Pray.
"Do not be anxious about anything, but in every situation, by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, present your requests to God." Philippians 4:6 NIV
"And pray in the Spirit on all occasions with all kinds of prayers and requests. With this in mind, be alert and always keep on praying for all the Lord’s people." Ephesians 6:18 NIV
"Is anyone among you in trouble? Let them pray." James 5:13a NIV
"The prayer of a righteous person is powerful and effective." James 5:16b NIV
(Emphasis mine)
Pray for the babies, the mothers, the fathers, the families, the abortion clinic workers, the doctors, the post-abortive women, the crisis pregnancy center volunteers, the decisions about abortion being made by our government...the list could go on and on. Just the length of the list of things that need to be prayed for is overwhelming. I'll be honest, I don't pray about this half as much as I should. It is...again, overwhelming. That's the only word I can think of to describe it. I tend to forget that praying for one thing each day, or for a few things each day, is better than not praying at all.
The bottom line is to just pray.
12. Love.
If you come across someone who has been affected by abortion, just love her.
With the high rate of both abortion and unplanned pregnancy in our country, chances are that you probably know someone who is facing or has faced one of the two situations...whether you realize it or not.
A hug and gentle words will point to Jesus much more strongly than a pointing finger and condemning tone.
Jesus came to save the world, not to condemn it (John 3:17). We should follow His example.
1 Corinthians 13:1-3 says, "If I speak in the tongues of men and of angels, but have not love, I am a noisy gong or a clanging cymbal. And if I have prophetic powers, and understand all mysteries and all knowledge, and if I have all faith, so as to remove mountains, but have not love, I am nothing. If I give away all I have, and if I deliver up my body to be burned, but have not love, I gain nothing." (ESV, emphasis mine)
I wonder what this passage would look like if it were speaking about abortion and the pro-life cause. I imagine it would look something like this...
If I speak eloquently and use my voice for the voiceless, and if I write impassioned blog posts to get my point across, but have not love, I am nothing but a repetitive noise for someone to shout over. And if I protest in front of abortion clinics and give my time to volunteer at crisis pregnancy centers, and if I have voiced every argument against abortion that I can think of, and if I have challenged the American government and its citizens to outlaw this atrocity, but have not love, then none of it matters. If I give away everything I have in order to support pro-life organizations, and if I am dragged to jail or even killed because of being so outspoken about my beliefs, but have not love, I gain nothing.
I am in no way trying to distort Scripture with that last paragraph.
My point is just to show that it doesn't matter what I accomplish for the pro-life cause if I don't do it in love.
Jesus says the greatest commandment is 1) to love the Lord your God with all your heart, soul, and mind and 2) to love your neighbor as yourself. (Matthew 22:34-40)
You may not have any money to give, but you can love.
You may not have any pro-life shirts to wear, but you can love.
You may not feel led to volunteer your time at a CPC, but you can still love.
You may not be called to adopt a child, but you can love.
Don't forget it.
Thanks for hanging with me through these four posts...I've been convicted by writing this of the need to practice what I preach.
Like I said before, I hope God has used this "series" in some small way.
This list is in no way perfect or exhaustive, and some of the categories overlap a bit, but I hope it helps you find a "small" way to get involved. God can use even the smallest things for His purposes!
Let us know how you acted on the call to be the "one"! We'd love to hear how God is working in you!
I'd like to close with this quote from Edward Everett Hale:
"I am only one,
But still I am one.
I cannot do everything,
But still I can do something;
And because I cannot do everything
I will not refuse to do the something that I can do."
God bless you ♥
Here are the remaining six points...some of them may be way out of your comfort zone.
I say that because some are way out of my comfort zone.
But I think I've sat in front of my computer screen long enough.
Is it scary?
Yes. Actually it's kind of terrifying.
Is it comfortable?
But God has not called us to be comfortable.
He has called us to do what's right.
7. Vote.
If you are at least eighteen years old and a United States citizen, then you had better be registered to vote. Every vote counts, and every vote makes a difference. If you think that your vote doesn't matter, you are wrong. I think of the quote most commonly attributed to Edmund Burke that says, "The only thing necessary for evil to prevail is for good men to do nothing." You have a chance to do something. You have a right that others have fought and died for. Please don't take it for granted.
One of the first things I look for when researching political candidates is whether or not they are pro-life. If they are "pro-choice," then that means they will not stand up to protect the lives of some of our nation's most vulnerable citizens. The very issue of abortion is rooted in the debate of whether or not every life is valuable at every stage. If the life of a child isn't valuable to them, then is the life of an elderly person valuable to them? Is the life of a "disabled" person valuable to them? Is my life valuable to them? Probably not.
Their pro-choice viewpoint tells me that they don't value life enough to save it. I will not vote for that kind of leader.
On another note, there is an argument that abortion being legal doesn't affect the rate of its occurrence- that is an outright lie. I believe abortion is absolutely more common and accepted because it is legal. If it were made illegal, the rates would, in my opinion, significantly decrease.
There's also this argument that illegal abortions aren't "safe."
You know what?
They're right.
But guess what?
Legal abortions aren't safe either.
At least one person dies in either case.
By voting for pro-life officials and voting to outlaw abortion, babies would be saved.
And your vote could make that happen.
8. Volunteer.
Maybe you don't have money to give, but you can give your time! Look for ways to volunteer for the pro-life cause.
It could be for your local CPC or another pro-life organization.
Most pregnancy centers depend on their volunteers. They need people to serve as counselors. Honestly, that scares me to death. I'm afraid of saying the wrong thing or not knowing what to say at all. Somebody has to do it, though! If you have a gift with people, or the gift of compassion, it may be a good fit for you. Consider if that's where God is calling you. If it's not, there are other opportunities to serve, such as answering phones, setting up appointments, organizing supplies, etc.
You could also consider volunteering to help a political candidate who takes a strong stand for life.
Every "little" bit helps!
9. Start.
Consider whether God could be calling you to start a pro-life ministry at your church. It could have several different faces...
You could get a group together to help single moms in your church...some ideas are helping with financial issues she may be having or even just offering to watch her child(ren) for a night so that she can have some time for herself!
You could head a project in order to raise money for your crisis pregnancy center or for another organization. Several years ago at my church, we filled baby bottles with loose change and gave the money (and the bottles, if I'm not mistaken) to our CPC. I loved doing that! There are countless other fundraising ideas if you are willing to put in the time to do them.
This last one will take a lot of courage.
Maybe you have had an abortion and have found healing and hope in Christ. Would you be willing to share your testimony with the church? Would you be willing to start a Bible study for other post-abortive women and lead them on the same journey?
I was so moved by Surrender the Secret. There is so much power in the testimony of a woman who has walked through abortion. Because I have never experienced the results of an abortion personally, my testimony may not be considered to hold as much credibility as yours. Do you know how powerful it would be for a woman like you to be bold enough to stand and say, "I had an abortion. Because of it, I have lifelong scars. But I have found hope and healing in Jesus Christ and I want you to have that, too." There is power in the fact that you have experienced it. You know what takes place in the heart and mind of a post-abortive woman. And therefore you have the power to walk beside other women and tell them that they are not alone. There are women everywhere silently crying for could be the one to lead them to it.
10. Adopt.
Read that again.
You just did a double-take, didn't ya?
No, I'm not kidding.
I'm dead serious.
I understand that not everyone is in the position to adopt. But would you prayerfully consider whether God is leading you to adopt a child that may have otherwise been aborted? These babies need to be loved, wanted, and accepted as part of a family.
Don't just pass over this like it's a crazy idea- stranger things have happened!
God has adopted us as His children into His family...don't you think He wants us to adopt into our families the children He has created?
Don't pass this by- really think about it!
Lord willing, we will be posting about this again. So don't think you're off the hook! ;)
11. Pray.
"Prayer is our foundation for making a difference. Trying to change the world without prayer is like trying to use a new iPod without charging the battery. You have to connect to the power source before you can start rockin'." -You Were Made to Make a Difference, Max Lucado & Jenna Lucado BishopTo pray is to have the capability to move mountains. So do you think Satan wants God's children to pray? Absolutely not! Praying can be really hard...there are a million different distractions that we could give in to and a million other ways that we could spend our time. But God's Word says...
"Do not be anxious about anything, but in every situation, by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, present your requests to God." Philippians 4:6 NIV
"And pray in the Spirit on all occasions with all kinds of prayers and requests. With this in mind, be alert and always keep on praying for all the Lord’s people." Ephesians 6:18 NIV
"Is anyone among you in trouble? Let them pray." James 5:13a NIV
"The prayer of a righteous person is powerful and effective." James 5:16b NIV
(Emphasis mine)
Pray for the babies, the mothers, the fathers, the families, the abortion clinic workers, the doctors, the post-abortive women, the crisis pregnancy center volunteers, the decisions about abortion being made by our government...the list could go on and on. Just the length of the list of things that need to be prayed for is overwhelming. I'll be honest, I don't pray about this half as much as I should. It is...again, overwhelming. That's the only word I can think of to describe it. I tend to forget that praying for one thing each day, or for a few things each day, is better than not praying at all.
The bottom line is to just pray.
12. Love.
If you come across someone who has been affected by abortion, just love her.
With the high rate of both abortion and unplanned pregnancy in our country, chances are that you probably know someone who is facing or has faced one of the two situations...whether you realize it or not.
A hug and gentle words will point to Jesus much more strongly than a pointing finger and condemning tone.
Jesus came to save the world, not to condemn it (John 3:17). We should follow His example.
1 Corinthians 13:1-3 says, "If I speak in the tongues of men and of angels, but have not love, I am a noisy gong or a clanging cymbal. And if I have prophetic powers, and understand all mysteries and all knowledge, and if I have all faith, so as to remove mountains, but have not love, I am nothing. If I give away all I have, and if I deliver up my body to be burned, but have not love, I gain nothing." (ESV, emphasis mine)
I wonder what this passage would look like if it were speaking about abortion and the pro-life cause. I imagine it would look something like this...
If I speak eloquently and use my voice for the voiceless, and if I write impassioned blog posts to get my point across, but have not love, I am nothing but a repetitive noise for someone to shout over. And if I protest in front of abortion clinics and give my time to volunteer at crisis pregnancy centers, and if I have voiced every argument against abortion that I can think of, and if I have challenged the American government and its citizens to outlaw this atrocity, but have not love, then none of it matters. If I give away everything I have in order to support pro-life organizations, and if I am dragged to jail or even killed because of being so outspoken about my beliefs, but have not love, I gain nothing.
I am in no way trying to distort Scripture with that last paragraph.
My point is just to show that it doesn't matter what I accomplish for the pro-life cause if I don't do it in love.
Jesus says the greatest commandment is 1) to love the Lord your God with all your heart, soul, and mind and 2) to love your neighbor as yourself. (Matthew 22:34-40)
You may not have any money to give, but you can love.
You may not have any pro-life shirts to wear, but you can love.
You may not feel led to volunteer your time at a CPC, but you can still love.
You may not be called to adopt a child, but you can love.
Don't forget it.
Thanks for hanging with me through these four posts...I've been convicted by writing this of the need to practice what I preach.
Like I said before, I hope God has used this "series" in some small way.
This list is in no way perfect or exhaustive, and some of the categories overlap a bit, but I hope it helps you find a "small" way to get involved. God can use even the smallest things for His purposes!
Let us know how you acted on the call to be the "one"! We'd love to hear how God is working in you!
I'd like to close with this quote from Edward Everett Hale:
"I am only one,
But still I am one.
I cannot do everything,
But still I can do something;
And because I cannot do everything
I will not refuse to do the something that I can do."
God bless you ♥
Thursday, August 29, 2013
"One" Part 3
Why, hello again! :)
As you can see, we're back to the topic of "One."
In the first two posts, I talked about 1) how God can use one person to change the whole world and 2) how one person can't expect to change the whole world on their own.
This topic of "One" has led me to ask the following question: What are practical ways that you and I can be the "one"?
Here are the first six of twelve different opportunities that either I have come up with or have seen suggested elsewhere. Some are significantly less demanding than others...while one suggestion may take a few seconds to perform, another may require a lifelong commitment. I chose the "simpler" ones for this week's post (although that doesn't necessarily mean that they are less important!), and I should be posting the remaining six next week.
1. Like & Follow.
For all you Facebook/Twitter/Pinterest users and social media addicts like myself, like & follow pro-life organizations! It only takes a few seconds and really doesn't require anything on your part other than clicking a button. In my opinion, this is the easiest suggestion on the list!
Here is our Twitter page- We are also working on getting a Facebook page up and running, which I am very excited about! :)
If you need some suggestions of other pages/organizations, check out our "Additional Resources" tab.
2. Share.
This basically goes along with the first one. A simple but significant way that you can help is to share our blog links or other pro-life articles, photos, etc. on your social media pages. All you have to do is click "share," "retweet," or "Pin it." It has more of a ripple effect than I think we realize!
3. Post.
Don't be shy or embarrassed to post your own opinions on social media. This is a life or death battle we're fighting here! Do not condemn anyone with your statements, but speak the truth in love. I do believe a little righteous anger is allowed. Even Jesus showed that when He overturned the tables of the money changers in the temple! (Read it for yourself here.) Our goal shouldn't be to make anyone feel ashamed, but to point others to the truth and encourage them to choose life in each and every circumstance.
4. Speak.
If you are part of a conversation in which you can speak up and defend the right to life, by all means, do it! God gave you a voice- use it!
Again, I believe that speaking the truth in love is vital. I emphasize this because I know that my tendency is to let truth overpower love. Finding a balance is difficult, to say the least. When faced with a tricky situation, remember that a condemning heart will most likely get you nowhere, but a compassionate heart can move mountains.
(John 7:53-8:11 ESV)
5. Wear.
Wear a shirt with a pro-life message to church, to school, to sports practice, to the store, or to any other public place! They can be great conversation starters from what I've heard.
We may have something up our sleeve concerning Birthdays for Babies t-shirts!
But, if you can't wait, check out a few of my favorite designs and do some browsing of your own!
Save the Storks "Be Their Voice"
Abort73 "Act Justly. Love Mercy."
Rock For Life "I AM PRO-LIFE"
JCLU Forever "Choose Life"
*Note- I have never personally ordered from any of the above online stores. I am basing my recommendations on design alone at this point. :)
6. Give.
There are many great pro-life organizations that would be so thankful if you would give a donation, no matter how small or big!
Obviously I am biased and would love for you to donate to Birthdays for Babies. We so want to buy that Stork bus, and each dollar gets us that much closer! $100,000 can seem to be an impossible figure if you look at it all at once.
But to quote the old saying...
"How do you eat an elephant?"
"One bite at a time."
Or, in our case...
"How do you buy a Stork bus?"
"One dollar at a time."
Because if 100,000 people each gave $1...if 10,000 each gave $10...if 1,000 each gave $ get the picture! It adds up! While one person most likely won't be able to do it alone, all of us together can make a difference. Every dollar makes a difference. And buying this bus will make a every mom who enters, to every baby who is given life, to everyone who will be led to the Lord because they stepped inside. It matters.
And while it still may seem a bit overwhelming from a human perspective, let's look at it from a heavenly perspective. We know a God Who owns the cattle on a thousand hills...Who created the earth and all that is in it...Who takes pleasure in giving His children good gifts.
$100,000 to buy a Stork bus that will be used to save lives and lead people to Him? He is more than capable of providing that. If this happens, it will be because He will be the one providing the bus, He will be the one saving the lives, and He will be the one drawing people to Himself.
However...I'm guessing that not all of you will be led to donate to Birthdays for Babies. God may be leading you to give somewhere else. And if that's the case, we definitely want you to act on that calling!
Lastly, remember that cash isn't the only thing that you can give. Check with your local crisis pregnancy center* to see if they collect items like diapers, bottles, baby clothes, etc. Drop off groceries to a struggling single mom who chose life. Come up with other places/opportunities to give...they're out there if you look for them!
*Note that the list of locations is probably not exhaustive. Do some research of your own!
Well, those are the six that I have for you today! I hope that they got your mind going with ideas and that you are eager to jump in and help this cause in whatever ways you can. I know I have some areas to work on.
Every act, no matter how insignificant it may seem, can and will make a difference. God can use even the smallest things to start a revolution.
I'd love to hear if this challenged you and if you put any of it into practice! Comment below, send us an e-mail, or tweet us...and I'm hoping that you'll be able to contact us on Facebook soon!
God bless!
Until next time,
As you can see, we're back to the topic of "One."
In the first two posts, I talked about 1) how God can use one person to change the whole world and 2) how one person can't expect to change the whole world on their own.
This topic of "One" has led me to ask the following question: What are practical ways that you and I can be the "one"?
Here are the first six of twelve different opportunities that either I have come up with or have seen suggested elsewhere. Some are significantly less demanding than others...while one suggestion may take a few seconds to perform, another may require a lifelong commitment. I chose the "simpler" ones for this week's post (although that doesn't necessarily mean that they are less important!), and I should be posting the remaining six next week.
Are you ready?
1. Like & Follow.
For all you Facebook/Twitter/Pinterest users and social media addicts like myself, like & follow pro-life organizations! It only takes a few seconds and really doesn't require anything on your part other than clicking a button. In my opinion, this is the easiest suggestion on the list!
Here is our Twitter page- We are also working on getting a Facebook page up and running, which I am very excited about! :)
If you need some suggestions of other pages/organizations, check out our "Additional Resources" tab.
2. Share.
This basically goes along with the first one. A simple but significant way that you can help is to share our blog links or other pro-life articles, photos, etc. on your social media pages. All you have to do is click "share," "retweet," or "Pin it." It has more of a ripple effect than I think we realize!
3. Post.
Don't be shy or embarrassed to post your own opinions on social media. This is a life or death battle we're fighting here! Do not condemn anyone with your statements, but speak the truth in love. I do believe a little righteous anger is allowed. Even Jesus showed that when He overturned the tables of the money changers in the temple! (Read it for yourself here.) Our goal shouldn't be to make anyone feel ashamed, but to point others to the truth and encourage them to choose life in each and every circumstance.
4. Speak.
If you are part of a conversation in which you can speak up and defend the right to life, by all means, do it! God gave you a voice- use it!
Again, I believe that speaking the truth in love is vital. I emphasize this because I know that my tendency is to let truth overpower love. Finding a balance is difficult, to say the least. When faced with a tricky situation, remember that a condemning heart will most likely get you nowhere, but a compassionate heart can move mountains.
(John 7:53-8:11 ESV)
5. Wear.
Wear a shirt with a pro-life message to church, to school, to sports practice, to the store, or to any other public place! They can be great conversation starters from what I've heard.
We may have something up our sleeve concerning Birthdays for Babies t-shirts!
But, if you can't wait, check out a few of my favorite designs and do some browsing of your own!
Save the Storks "Be Their Voice"
Abort73 "Act Justly. Love Mercy."
Rock For Life "I AM PRO-LIFE"
JCLU Forever "Choose Life"
*Note- I have never personally ordered from any of the above online stores. I am basing my recommendations on design alone at this point. :)
6. Give.
There are many great pro-life organizations that would be so thankful if you would give a donation, no matter how small or big!
Obviously I am biased and would love for you to donate to Birthdays for Babies. We so want to buy that Stork bus, and each dollar gets us that much closer! $100,000 can seem to be an impossible figure if you look at it all at once.
But to quote the old saying...
"How do you eat an elephant?"
"One bite at a time."
Or, in our case...
"How do you buy a Stork bus?"
"One dollar at a time."
Because if 100,000 people each gave $1...if 10,000 each gave $10...if 1,000 each gave $ get the picture! It adds up! While one person most likely won't be able to do it alone, all of us together can make a difference. Every dollar makes a difference. And buying this bus will make a every mom who enters, to every baby who is given life, to everyone who will be led to the Lord because they stepped inside. It matters.
And while it still may seem a bit overwhelming from a human perspective, let's look at it from a heavenly perspective. We know a God Who owns the cattle on a thousand hills...Who created the earth and all that is in it...Who takes pleasure in giving His children good gifts.
$100,000 to buy a Stork bus that will be used to save lives and lead people to Him? He is more than capable of providing that. If this happens, it will be because He will be the one providing the bus, He will be the one saving the lives, and He will be the one drawing people to Himself.
However...I'm guessing that not all of you will be led to donate to Birthdays for Babies. God may be leading you to give somewhere else. And if that's the case, we definitely want you to act on that calling!
Lastly, remember that cash isn't the only thing that you can give. Check with your local crisis pregnancy center* to see if they collect items like diapers, bottles, baby clothes, etc. Drop off groceries to a struggling single mom who chose life. Come up with other places/opportunities to give...they're out there if you look for them!
*Note that the list of locations is probably not exhaustive. Do some research of your own!
Well, those are the six that I have for you today! I hope that they got your mind going with ideas and that you are eager to jump in and help this cause in whatever ways you can. I know I have some areas to work on.
Every act, no matter how insignificant it may seem, can and will make a difference. God can use even the smallest things to start a revolution.
I'd love to hear if this challenged you and if you put any of it into practice! Comment below, send us an e-mail, or tweet us...and I'm hoping that you'll be able to contact us on Facebook soon!
God bless!
Until next time,
Birthdays for Babies,
choose life,
Save the Storks,
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