Thursday, August 29, 2013

"One" Part 3

Why, hello again! :)

As you can see, we're back to the topic of  "One." 

In the first two posts, I talked about 1) how God can use one person to change the whole world and 2) how one person can't expect to change the whole world on their own.

This topic of "One" has led me to ask the following question: What are practical ways that you and I can be the "one"? 

Here are the first six of twelve different opportunities that either I have come up with or have seen suggested elsewhere. Some are significantly less demanding than others...while one suggestion may take a few seconds to perform, another may require a lifelong commitment. I chose the "simpler" ones for this week's post (although that doesn't necessarily mean that they are less important!), and I should be posting the remaining six next week. 

Are you ready? 


1. Like & Follow.
For all you Facebook/Twitter/Pinterest users and social media addicts like myself, like & follow pro-life organizations! It only takes a few seconds and really doesn't require anything on your part other than clicking a button. In my opinion, this is the easiest suggestion on the list!

Here is our Twitter page- We are also working on getting a Facebook page up and running, which I am very excited about! :)

If you need some suggestions of other pages/organizations, check out our "Additional Resources" tab.  

2. Share.
This basically goes along with the first one. A simple but significant way that you can help is to share our blog links or other pro-life articles, photos, etc. on your social media pages. All you have to do is click "share," "retweet," or "Pin it." It has more of a ripple effect than I think we realize!

3. Post.
Don't be shy or embarrassed to post your own opinions on social media. This is a life or death battle we're fighting here! Do not condemn anyone with your statements, but speak the truth in love. I do believe a little righteous anger is allowed. Even Jesus showed that when He overturned the tables of the money changers in the temple!  (Read it for yourself here.) Our goal shouldn't be to make anyone feel ashamed, but to point others to the truth and encourage them to choose life in each and every circumstance.

4. Speak.
If you are part of a conversation in which you can speak up and defend the right to life, by all means, do it! God gave you a voice- use it! 
Again, I believe that speaking the truth in love is vital. I emphasize this because I know that my tendency is to let truth overpower love. Finding a balance is difficult, to say the least. When faced with a tricky situation, remember that a condemning heart will most likely get you nowhere, but a compassionate heart can move mountains.
(John 7:53-8:11 ESV)

5. Wear.
Wear a shirt with a pro-life message to church, to school, to sports practice, to the store, or to any other public place! They can be great conversation starters from what I've heard. 
We may have something up our sleeve concerning Birthdays for Babies t-shirts!
But, if you can't wait, check out a few of my favorite designs and do some browsing of your own!
Save the Storks "Be Their Voice"
Abort73 "Act Justly. Love Mercy."
Rock For Life "I AM PRO-LIFE"
JCLU Forever "Choose Life"

*Note- I have never personally ordered from any of the above online stores. I am basing my recommendations on design alone at this point. :)

6. Give.
There are many great pro-life organizations that would be so thankful if you would give a donation, no matter how small or big! 
Obviously I am biased and would love for you to donate to Birthdays for Babies. We so want to buy that Stork bus, and each dollar gets us that much closer! $100,000 can seem to be an impossible figure if you look at it all at once.
But to quote the old saying...
"How do you eat an elephant?" 
"One bite at a time." 
 Or, in our case...
"How do you buy a Stork bus?"
"One dollar at a time."
Because if 100,000 people each gave $1...if 10,000 each gave $10...if 1,000 each gave $ get the picture! It adds up! While one person most likely won't be able to do it alone, all of us together can make a difference. Every dollar makes a difference. And buying this bus will make a every mom who enters, to every baby who is given life, to everyone who will be led to the Lord because they stepped inside. It matters. 
And while it still may seem a bit overwhelming from a human perspective, let's look at it from a heavenly perspective. We know a God Who owns the cattle on a thousand hills...Who created the earth and all that is in it...Who takes pleasure in giving His children good gifts.
$100,000 to buy a Stork bus that will be used to save lives and lead people to Him? He is more than capable of providing that. If this happens, it will be because He will be the one providing the bus, He will be the one saving the lives, and He will be the one drawing people to Himself.

However...I'm guessing that not all of you will be led to donate to Birthdays for Babies. God may be leading you to give somewhere else. And if that's the case, we definitely want you to act on that calling!

Lastly, remember that cash isn't the only thing that you can give.  Check with your local crisis pregnancy center* to see if they collect items like diapers, bottles, baby clothes, etc. Drop off groceries to a struggling single mom who chose life. Come up with other places/opportunities to give...they're out there if you look for them!

*Note that the list of locations is probably not exhaustive. Do some research of your own!

Well, those are the six that I have for you today! I hope that they got your mind going with ideas and that you are eager to jump in and help this cause in whatever ways you can. I know I have some areas to work on.

Every act, no matter how insignificant it may seem, can and will make a difference. God can use even the smallest things to start a revolution.

I'd love to hear if this challenged you and if you put any of it into practice!  Comment below, send us an e-mail, or tweet us...and I'm hoping that you'll be able to contact us on Facebook soon!

God bless!

Until next time,


Saturday, August 24, 2013

Friday, August 23, 2013

A Theme Song

I want to share with you a beautiful song that is a reflection of my heart in starting this crazy adventure. It was written for me by my very special and talented friend Kerry:

It's called "Birthdays for Babies".
She says it was inspired by me,
 by the passion God has placed in my heart for the lives of the unborn.

I pray you are as blessed by it as I was,
and am, every time I hear it.
Thank you so much, Kerry, for writing and sharing this song, and using your beautiful voice to express what is at the heart of this campaign!

Please watch, enjoy, and subscribe to her YouTube channel: for more awesome music from her!

Wednesday, August 21, 2013

"One" Part 2


*If you have not read my previous blog post, One, you should before reading this one. Or maybe you did read it, but you just want to refresh your memory. Either way, click here.* :)

I've been feeling totally  

The feeling initially sneaked up on me last night as I watched a video that a pro-life page posted. The video shows the work of a man who goes to an abortion clinic near him with the purpose of encouraging the women entering to choose life. Over the past three years, he has saved 1,000 babies from abortion. The crazy part (as if saving 1,000 babies isn't crazy enough!) is that he has had severe health issues- cancer, brain aneurysms...I mean, it takes a lot more than a band-aid to cure that! It's absolutely remarkable that he is still alive. Seriously. This story is inspiring! So why am I feeling so overwhelmed?

What I remember most about that video is not the man it featured, the babies he saved, or the health issues he overcame.

It's one woman.

This woman walks up to the clinic, rubbing her belly, and makes some disturbing and outrageous statements. She boasts about how this is her fifth abortion. Fifth. More than that, she states that she is proud of it. She proceeds to express her hatred for babies, and then makes a statement that I don't even feel comfortable repeating.
(If you want to watch the video yourself, click here.)

I. Was. Shocked. 

I felt sick to my stomach. As a matter of fact, I think I still do.
I knew that attitudes like this existed, but I don't think I've ever heard it put so bluntly.
I felt astounded, appalled, dumbfounded...those are the strongest words I can think of, and they don't even cover it.

I felt like darkness sneaked up on me and surrounded me. Discouragement set in. Along with the feeling that I am drowning, helpless, facing a battle that is way too big for me to handle...

Between posting on the blog, following a bunch of pro-life Facebook and Twitter pages, and having abortion nearly always on my heart and mind, I am surrounded by this issue. It's easy to become almost numb to it, even in the midst of my passion.
Then there are times like last night when the reality of it slaps me in the face.
Because it's one thing to read words on a page...and it's quite another to see a video of the battle between light and darkness, good and evil, life and death.

There will be women that choose life. Praise God for that!!
I am so thankful for the "ones" like the man in the video who are brave enough to fight on the front lines.
For the "ones" facing unplanned pregnancies that are selfless enough to choose life, no matter what.
For the "ones" who adopt children and give them a chance to have a loving family.
For the "ones" who fight to make abortion illegal.
For the "ones" who have had abortions, but share the hope & healing that they have found with others.
For the "ones" who dedicate their lives to saving others.

But there are also women that won't choose life. And I don't know how to handle that.
There are "ones" like the woman in the video who seem to have hardened their hearts so much that they just don't care.
"Ones" who will rejoice in their right to kill their children.
"Ones" who will always fight for abortion as a woman's right to choose.
"Ones" who will perform and assist with abortions.
"Ones" who are honestly blinded to what is really happening.
"Ones" who will work for the kingdom of darkness and will not be convinced to leave it behind.
"Ones" who will not turn to Jesus.
 That's a hard reality to accept.

It's all a matter of perspective, I guess. I can choose to walk around in defeat because of the "ones" that I can't save, or I can choose to fight for the "ones" that I can. It's easy to get overwhelmed when I think of it in human terms...and that's when I have to remember the quote that I shared last time:  

"I have learned that I will not change the world. Jesus will do that. I can, however, change the world for one person. And if one person sees the love of Christ in me, it is worth every minute. In fact, it is worth spending my life for." ~Katie Davis

I have to believe that I am not going to save even one life.  
I am not going to change anyone's mind.  
I am not going to succeed in passing any law about/ban on abortion.  
I am not going to fight on the front lines.  

Jesus will do that.  

He is the "One" who made these babies and their mothers in the first place.
He is the "One" Who died so that all of us could have life, and have it to the full. (John 10:10)
It's like the guy in the video said..."I just show up here and watch Him show off."
I want to have faith like that.
I want to believe that God will win and that darkness will not prevail.
I want to believe that God will work everything out for the good of those who love Him.
I want to remember that God is God and I have no business trying to take over for Him.
I want to remember that, as much as it breaks my heart to see women choose abortion, it breaks His heart even more.

There's a dear lady at my church who, just yesterday, felt she needed to share the following verse with me. She volunteers as a counselor at our local crisis pregnancy center, and she shared with me how the verse encourages her when she is discouraged when women don't choose life. (That was just hours before I watched the video...I'm just now realizing this and seeing how God put all the pieces in place!)

"Therefore, my dear brothers and sisters, stand firm. Let nothing move you. Always give yourselves fully to the work of the Lord, because you know that your labor in the Lord is not in vain." 
1 Corinthians 15:58 NIV 


8/21/2013- I read the following quote in a pro-life article today and could not resist adding it in. “We cannot do everything, and there is a sense of liberation in realizing that.  This enables us to do something, and to do it very well.  It may be incomplete, but it is a beginning, a step along the way, an opportunity for God's grace to enter and do the rest.” -Archbishop Oscar Romero


Saturday, August 17, 2013

Why I am Pro-Life (#5)

I am pro-life because
every child
deserves the right 
to enjoy a summer day!

Why are you pro-life?
Share your thoughts!

Follow us on twitter-

Wednesday, August 14, 2013


Since this campaign is all about birthdays, I figured it would be appropriate to wish a "happy birthday" to someone whom I consider to be an important influential figure.
Can you guess who it is? Here are a few hints...
  • He's turning 26 today.
  • He was born in the Philippines where his parents were missionaries.
  • He raised money to support an orphanage in the Philippines and his foundation is currently working to build a children's hospital there. 
  • He is a football star & the first college sophomore to win the Heisman trophy.
  • He is most famous, in my opinion, for writing John 3:16 on his eye black for a big game. Because of that bold statement, at least 92 MILLION people looked up that verse and read the gospel in a nutshell.
That last hint probably gave it away, so...

Happy birthday, Tim Tebow!

If you're not a Tebow fan, then just hang with me for a few minutes, okay? I promise there is more to this post than applauding his accomplishments.

Do you realize that by the world's standards and the norm of our culture, he shouldn't even be alive?

Pam Tebow became pregnant with Tim when she and her husband, along with their four older children, were ministering in the Philippines.  She became severely ill with a case of amoebic dysentery. As a result of the sickness and the strong medicine she had been given, the doctor told her that the only way she would survive was to have an abortion. The doctor insisted that it wasn't even a baby anyway- merely a mass of fetal tissue, a tumor. But Pam and her husband, Bob, remained firm in their conviction that "God doesn't make mistakes." They refused to abort, even in the midst of such difficult circumstances. God blessed their faith by giving them a healthy baby who has grown up to share the good news of the gospel with thousands.

And I can't help but wonder...what if she had chosen an abortion? Would the orphanage that he supported in the Philippines have shut down? Would a children's hospital have been built there? Perhaps the greatest implication is that over 92 million people have heard the gospel because of this one man's boldness. What if he hadn't been alive to share it with them?

These are the implications that could have resulted from one child being aborted. ONE.
Oh, I shudder to think of the statistic we have created in the names of  "choice" and "convenience."
To think of the lives that we have cut short. The potential we have wasted. The God-given talent we have thrown away. The miracle of life that we decided should not even exist.

I want you to take a minute and try to wrap your mind around this.

Fifty-five million.
FIFTY-FIVE million.
Fifty-five MILLION.

No matter how many times and ways I type it, I can't even comprehend a number this great.
Fifty-five million...and that's in the United States alone.
Fifty-five million...and three thousand are added to that number every day.

And I'm not only talking about the children.

That's fifty-five million women who are walking around in darkness.
Fifty-five million women feeling alone and ashamed.
Fifty-five million women who will never know the love of their child.

And I am only one. As I write this, there is a physical pain in my heart. At times, I have stopped and put my head in my hands. I want nothing more than to see this ended, but how? No matter what I do, I can't bring those fifty-five million babies back from the dead. I can't reach every single woman who has ever had an abortion. I'm only one person. How much can I do?

I am so challenged by the simple but profound words of Katie Davis (I wish I could tell you all about her, but I'll save that for another time). I hope that this inspires you to pursue the passion/responsibility God has put on your heart, no matter how impossible it may seem: "I have learned that I will not change the world. Jesus will do that. I can, however, change the world for one person. And if one person sees the love of Christ in me, it is worth every minute. In fact, it is worth spending my life for."

Follow us on twitter-
Follow Tim on twitter-
Follow Katie on twitter-
Buy Tim's book- "Through My Eyes" on Amazon
Buy Katie's book- "Kisses from Katie" on Amazon

Information resources

Wikipedia article/Tim Tebow
LifeNews article by Randy Alcorn about Tim Tebow
YouTube interview with Pam & Bob Tebow
"Kisses from Katie" quote

Thursday, August 8, 2013

My Heart

It used to be that every once in a while I would post something on social media pertaining to abortion and the pro-life movement.

Now it's basically every day.

There are times when I feel like a broken record.
Like an annoying "like" page on Facebook that no one wants to read.
Like I've said everything there is to say.
Like no matter what clever quote or argument I share, I'm not going to change anyone's mind.

So why can I not quit posting about my pro-life beliefs?

In his book Wild Goose Chase, Mark Batterson talks about how the passion that God places on your heart becomes your responsibility.

He says, "Supernatural sadness and righteous indignation often reveal our God-ordained passions. As in the case of Nehemiah, if something causes you to weep and mourn and fast and pray for days on end, it is a good indication that God wants you to take personal responsibility and do something about it."
"...what makes you cry? What makes you pound your fist on the table?"
"God-ordained passions often break our hearts. And they can seem like an overwhelming burden to bear."
(pg. 22)

The sadness and anger that abortion stirs in my heart is simply overwhelming.
It makes me cry.
It makes me want to pound my fist on the table.
There are nights when I cannot sleep because the burden on my heart is just too heavy.
There is a fire burning in my heart that will not be quenched.
I want to do something about this. I have to. defines passion as "any powerful or compelling emotion or feeling, as love or hate."

I hate abortion. I hate what it does to our children. I hate what it does to our women. I hate what it does to our families. I hate what it does to our society. I hate what it does to my country.

So why can't I shut up about abortion?

Because I can't help but wonder how many tiny dancers are missing from the classes that I teach...
how many little servant's hearts are missing from the children's ministry at church...
how many friendships I missed out on because their lives were cut short...
how many women I pass by are weighed down by the guilt of the secret they carry.

I picture two little eyes begging me, pleading with me not to let him die...
I see two little hands outstretched to mine...
I hear one little voice that is about to be silenced forever...
I feel his blood on my hands.

So I keep posting.
And I keep hoping that one day this terrifying practice will not exist.
And I keep praying (though not half as much as I should).
And I keep fighting with the hope that I may save even one life.

Because if I won't be their voice, then who will?

Saturday, August 3, 2013

Why I am Pro-Life (#3)

I am pro-life because every child deserves to be 
so tightly she can barely breathe. 

P.S. - We're on twitter! We'd love it if you'd follow us at!!