
Hi, I'm Bethany. Welcome to Birthdays for Babies!

I turned 21 on June 30th, 2013, and this is what I wanted for my birthday: to give other people the chance to have birthdays!
Not like, a birthday party...no, I mean a birthday. As in the day you are born.
You may ask, "How in the world can you give that?"

Well, I know how people can take it away. Over 55 million little people have had this honor taken away from them by the cruelest means possible. Their lives were snuffed out like candles before they were even born. This is the reality of abortion.
Don't stop reading - if you support abortion, have had an abortion, or are considering an abortion, hear me out.
I do not hate you. I'm not judging you. You are in or were put in a position to which, for whatever reason, you saw no alternative. And, more than likely, you were lied to. Deceived. Or will be.
The truth is that you DO have other options. There IS help for you, along with forgiveness and healing in Christ!

The truth is that God makes each little person in the womb, perfect from conception. He has breathed life into them, just like He did for you when you were conceived.

I believe this with all of my heart.

I also believe that everyone deserves the chance to shove their face into some birthday cake.

My goal is to raise $100,000 to help mothers decide to choose life for their babies.
I'm partnering with the extraordinary people of Save the Storks, an organization dedicated to this same goal. Their mission is to show women they have other options, to help them decide to choose life for their babies, and to connect them with a group of people who will support them and walk with them through the adoption process or through motherhood. Above all, they seek to share with them the good news of Jesus Christ and show them His love.

But you should go read all about it yourself- at savethestorks.com.


  1. Hi Bethany, just wanted to let you know I'm praying for you and your campaign and I agree with everything you said here. :-)

    1. Hey Beth. Just want to say wow! This is sooo amazing! Your passion for every unborn child awesome. I am so overjoyed to see the way God is moving through you. The world needs more people to be unashamed of the Gospel like you. I will sooo be praying for you and all that you're doing! Continue to be bold and on fire for Christ!
      --Crouton :-)

  2. awesome! God Bless!
