Tuesday, October 28, 2014

More Than Just A Concert

Hi, I’m Bethany!
And I want to tell you about something God has put on my heart.
Last summer, I turned 21, and from the beginning of the year I knew I wanted to do something different with my 21st birthday – something for God.
Something that would impact His Kingdom.
So I started praying about what He might have me do…whether that be missions, or some kind of ministry or giving. He put the pro-life cause on my heart, and called me to be a voice for the voiceless – saving the lives of precious little people not yet born.
He led me to Save the Storks, an organization whose heart really reflected my own- what the Lord had put on my heart: to reach abortion minded mothers with the truth. The truth about the precious life they carry.
They accomplish this by building Stork buses.
A Stork bus is a mobile ultrasound unit which can be parked outside an abortion clinic. They give free ultrasounds to women considering abortion, letting them hear the baby’s heartbeat and sharing the truth about the precious little life growing in their womb, as well as sharing the good news of Jesus Christ.

But I'll let them tell you more about it in this video clip:

Statistics have shown that 3 out of every 5 women who board one of these buses decide to keep their baby!

MY DREAM is to raise the money to fully fund a Stork bus for a city!

Wednesday, November 5th, there will be a concert at Calvary Temple Church in Fredericktown, MO,
and it's going to be sponsored by Save the Storks!
Performing are Christian contemporary artists 1 Girl Nation
and OBB - the Oswald Brothers Band
These bands are awesome - you've probably heard them on Christian radio.

But it's not really about the bands - and it's way more than a concert.
It's about Save the Storks, and it's about standing for the lives of the unborn.
So even if you don't want to stay for the whole concert, or if you do –
it would mean the world to me if you would come and consider saving a Stork.
What does it mean to save a Stork?
They've divided the cost of a Bus by the number of moms and children who could be saved in one year, and have calculated that it costs about $30/month for a year, or a one-time gift of $350 to Save a Stork - saving the precious life of an unborn child, but also saving the mother from the grief and heartache of abortion. They are also passionate about sharing the gospel with these women,
So really, it's the opportunity to not only save the life of the baby, but to change that mommy's life for eternity by sharing with her the hope of Jesus Christ! Amen?

Here's the big thing, for this concert, and for my dream -
If I can get just 350 people, the night of the concert or before, To pledge to save a stork - whether the $30/month or $350 once -
That's a BUS!!

That's why I need you to come to this concert - tell your youth pastor about it, and bring your whole youth group!

Here's all the info ^
 Hope to see you there!



Friday, October 24, 2014

The While We're Young Tour

HUGE news for Birthdays for Babies!

I'm hosting the While We're Young Tour, featuring 1 Girl Nation and OBB (Oswald Brothers Band)
at my church...
AND it's sponsored by SAVE the STORKS!!! :) :)
November 5th, 2014
Calvary Temple Church
1725 E Hwy 72
Fredericktown, MO

WHY you need to be there (and invite your youth group!):

       Yes, it's going to be an incredible night of worship and awesome music from 1 Girl Nation and OBB (Click the names to find out more!)
But more than that,
all the proceeds go to saving lives through the incredible ministry of Save the Storks!



if [350] of you pledge to save a stork ,

in the name of Birthdays for Babies, the night of the concert or before,

   YOU could be part of helping me reach my dream goal
of getting a Stork bus rolling!

GET TICKETS: http://www.itickets.com/events/334657/Fredericktown_MO/While_We%27re_Young_Tour.html

FOLLOW ME! :) :)
Facebook:  https://www.facebook.com/BirthdaysforBabies
Instagram: @birthdaysforbabies
(thank you thank you thank you)

Hope to see you there!


Tuesday, June 24, 2014

My 22nd Birthday Give - Away

"I don't know about you, but I'm feeling 22..."

Yes, I'm turning 22 - next week, actually.

And this is what I want for my birthday - 
To give birthdays away
To those precious little ones whose actual, literal birth-day
is in jeopardy...
Because their mother is considering abortion.

How am I going to do this?
There's a really awesome organization called Save the Storks,
and this is what they do:

With these buses, pregnancy resource centers are able to go straight to the heart of the issue of abortion, by reaching out to abortion-minded mothers with a message of hope - that they have a group of people who will support them in their pregnancy , and that there are other options besides abortion. Most of all, they are reaching these women with the ultimate hope - the hope of our Savior, Jesus Christ.

This is why I'm so passionate about Save the Storks -
The pro-life battle is changing every day. This year, more and more abortion clinics have closed their doors - praise the Lord!

But check this out:http://www.numberofabortions.com/

This link shows a page that counts the abortions being done worldwide today.
Watch those clocks.
They are updated to the latest statistics.
It's not really slowing down.

Last year, when I started this campaign, I was struck with this truth.

It's the mothers.
 They are the ones we need to reach the most with the truth about abortion.

And it would not matter if there was an abortion clinic on every street corner,
If you are reaching out to her with the truth - that what she carries is no clump of cells, but a precious human life, perfectly formed.
If we are showing her love and compassion, and support for her pregnancy.
If we are sharing with her the hope of the gospel!

So please - join me in this fight by donating to my campaign for Save the Storks!
Every dollar you give goes to saving these precious, innocent lives!

My dream goal is to raise $100,000, or enough to buy a Stork Bus for a city!
I know that sounds like a lot of money, and it is - but all I would need is

1,000 people to donate $100.
Or 5,000 people to donate $20.
Or 10,000 people to donate $10.

And actually, less than that - because I've already donated almost $1000!

There's almost 1,000 people that go to my church alone! And with God all things are possible. :)

You can donate directly online at the Save the Storks page: https://savethestorks.com/donateform/
*PLEASE* write "Birthdays for Babies" in the comment section, so I can track how much I've raised!

Or you can contact me through the Facebook page:https://www.facebook.com/BirthdaysforBabies

We're also on Instagram: @birthdaysforbabies

Thank you thank you thank you! :) 
Your donations would mean the world to me - really the best birthday present I could ask for!
Let's save some storks! :)

Sunday, May 11, 2014

Happy Mother's Day!

To all the moms out there who chose life: I want to say thank you. I am convinced that you have the hardest job in the world. I want you to know that you are changing the world. I think this song says it all :)
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nkjGYaIYXPg *

To all the moms out there who gave up their child(ren) for adoption: I want to tell you that you are so brave. I know the choice you made did not come easily. Thank you for giving your child life. You could not have given a better gift.

To all the moms out there who didn't choose life or are victims of coerced abortion: I want you to know that you are still loved, valuable, and precious. There are people who want to help you and want to see you live the fullest life. Please don't suffer in silence anymore. Today could be the day the healing starts.

To all the moms out there who are considering abortion: I want you to know that you don't have to face this alone. You and your baby are so loved. Even though your baby is not born yet, you are already a mom. There is a beating heart- a life- inside you. I have heard of many women who regret their abortions, but I have yet to hear of one who regrets giving her child life. I'm not saying that the choice for life is an easy one- but I believe with all of my heart that it is the right one.

Moms, we love you and can never thank you enough for all you do!! ♥

Happy Mother's Day,


*Buy One Heartbeat At a Time on iTunes

Friday, February 14, 2014

What Women Need

This past week, the president of Planned Parenthood stated that what women need for Valentine's Day is abortion.

Needless to say, I disagree.

What women need?

Hope. Help. Healing. Compassion. Grace. Truth. Love.

Be a voice. Be a light. Let's give women what they really need.