Sunday, May 11, 2014

Happy Mother's Day!

To all the moms out there who chose life: I want to say thank you. I am convinced that you have the hardest job in the world. I want you to know that you are changing the world. I think this song says it all :) *

To all the moms out there who gave up their child(ren) for adoption: I want to tell you that you are so brave. I know the choice you made did not come easily. Thank you for giving your child life. You could not have given a better gift.

To all the moms out there who didn't choose life or are victims of coerced abortion: I want you to know that you are still loved, valuable, and precious. There are people who want to help you and want to see you live the fullest life. Please don't suffer in silence anymore. Today could be the day the healing starts.

To all the moms out there who are considering abortion: I want you to know that you don't have to face this alone. You and your baby are so loved. Even though your baby is not born yet, you are already a mom. There is a beating heart- a life- inside you. I have heard of many women who regret their abortions, but I have yet to hear of one who regrets giving her child life. I'm not saying that the choice for life is an easy one- but I believe with all of my heart that it is the right one.

Moms, we love you and can never thank you enough for all you do!! ♥

Happy Mother's Day,


*Buy One Heartbeat At a Time on iTunes