"I don't know about you, but I'm feeling 22..."
Yes, I'm turning 22 - next week, actually.
And this is what I want for my birthday -
To give birthdays away
To those precious little ones whose actual, literal birth-day
is in jeopardy...
Because their mother is considering abortion.
How am I going to do this?
There's a really awesome organization called Save the Storks,
and this is what they do:
With these buses, pregnancy resource centers are able to go straight to the heart of the issue of abortion, by reaching out to abortion-minded mothers with a message of hope - that they have a group of people who will support them in their pregnancy , and that there are other options besides abortion. Most of all, they are reaching these women with the ultimate hope - the hope of our Savior, Jesus Christ.
This is why I'm so passionate about Save the Storks -
The pro-life battle is changing every day. This year, more and more abortion clinics have closed their doors - praise the Lord!
But check this out:http://www.numberofabortions.com/
This link shows a page that counts the abortions being done worldwide today.
Watch those clocks.
They are updated to the latest statistics.
It's not really slowing down.
Last year, when I started this campaign, I was struck with this truth.
It's the mothers.
They are the ones we need to reach the most with the truth about abortion.
And it would not matter if there was an abortion clinic on every street corner,
If you are reaching out to her with the truth - that what she carries is no clump of cells, but a precious human life, perfectly formed.
If we are showing her love and compassion, and support for her pregnancy.
If we are sharing with her the hope of the gospel!
So please - join me in this fight by donating to my campaign for Save the Storks!
Every dollar you give goes to saving these precious, innocent lives!
My dream goal is to raise $100,000, or enough to buy a Stork Bus for a city!
I know that sounds like a lot of money, and it is - but all I would need is
1,000 people to donate $100.
Or 5,000 people to donate $20.
Or 10,000 people to donate $10.
And actually, less than that - because I've already donated almost $1000!
There's almost 1,000 people that go to my church alone! And with God all things are possible. :)
You can donate directly online at the Save the Storks page: https://savethestorks.com/donateform/
*PLEASE* write "Birthdays for Babies" in the comment section, so I can track how much I've raised!
Or you can contact me through the Facebook page:https://www.facebook.com/BirthdaysforBabies
We're also on Instagram: @birthdaysforbabies
Thank you thank you thank you! :)
Your donations would mean the world to me - really the best birthday present I could ask for!
Let's save some storks! :)